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health benefits

Eating with a purpose, the importance of feeding your immune system

Our immune system is constantly working to protect us and keep us healthy. Our lifestyle choice can impact how well our immune system can function. The foods we eat play a large role in helping our body stay as healthy as possible. This article details some immune-boosting foods as well as a delicious recipe for Greek Chicken Cauliflower Rice Bowls.

To Brew, or not to Brew

For many of us, coffee is a key beverage in our diet, and often it's the first thing we consume every day. New studies point to several health benefits of drinking coffee in moderation. In this blog I outline the benefits and risks of coffee along with a unique and simple recipe idea to add some flair to your cup of joe.

Beauty and the Beet

Beets are starting to earn their spot on the list as a superfood that can help you prevent cancer, look younger, and keep your digestive system on track. Take a look at Karen's blog to see how a tasty root can accomplish so much!

Health Benefits of Citrus are More Sweet than Sour

When we think about the health benefits of citrus, many of us already know that oranges are packed with vitamin C. Did you know that citrus is great for treating more than just the common cold? Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes and grapefruit are sources of antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and can even be added to your beauty regimen!

Arugula, The Super Food

Arugula is known for being one of the more flavorful greens and its popularity dates all the way back to ancient Rome and Greece as an aphrodisiac. In today’s wellness bulletin, Karen has a modern recipe you’ll fall in love with as well as the science behind the superfood.